The comprehension about socialization and children in the Child Education:

what changes with the course of pedagogy?


  • Adir Luiz Ferreira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Maria Patrícia Costa de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Teachers formation, Pedagogy course, Child Education and childhood, School socialization, Childhood sociology


In the pedagogy formation for the CE-Child Education, it found the notions of child, childhood, and socialization, themes highlighted by the childhood sociology. From the practical experience of the Pedagogy's students had acting in the CE, it identifies a critical comprehension of these notions? Thus, it realized a research with the speeches of the Pedagogy’s students of UFRN to understand following aspects: the conceptions of child and childhood before and after entering course; the importance of CE to the children formation; the perception of children’s socialization; the role of the school on child socialization; and, the teacher gaze before the children acting in the school routine. In conclusion, some issues are revealed in teachers’ formation to the CE, because of the pedagogical lacks on fundaments about childhood and socialization. However, even tardily, the course provokes changes in the students, with a renew recognition about the importance of the school socialization of child.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. L., & Oliveira, M. P. C. de. (2018). The comprehension about socialization and children in the Child Education:: what changes with the course of pedagogy?. Journal Education in Question, 56(50).