The teaching of graphic conventions in literacy




Literacy. Written language. Graphic conventions. Teaching and learning.


The article discusses prioritized approaches in the teaching of graphic conventions that govern writing, focusing on the knowledge that involves the understanding of writing orientation, the segmentation function of white spaces between words and punctuation. It is a documentary research that had as corpus 28 schoolbooks of children who attended the first year of elementary education during the years 2000 in a municipality of the state of Espírito Santo and 22 notebooks of teachers who acted in the schools of that municipality in the same period. We concluded that writing has been treated in a fragmented way and disconnected from its context of production and the aspects that characterize it graphically worked disregarding that these conventions were produced in the course of the development of the history of writing. The activities show that the characteristics of the written language are not recognized as historical and cultural productions elaborated in social interactions and, therefore, full of significations.


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How to Cite

Schwartz, C. M., Pinheiro, G. O., & Becalli, F. Z. (2019). The teaching of graphic conventions in literacy. Journal Education in Question, 57(53).