Estudo de Caso em Pesquisa Educacional




estudo de caso. pesquisa educacional.


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Author Biography

Francy Sousa Rabelo, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

PhD student in Education from the State University of Ceará. Master in Education from the State University of Ceará (2014), Specialization in Methodology of Higher Education (2004) and graduation in PEDAGOGIA (2003) both from the Federal University of Maranhão. She has been a Substitute Professor at UFMA in 2007 and early 2008. She is currently Professor at the Federal University of Maranhão since 2008, working mainly in the following topics: Educational Research, Hospital Pedagogy, Teacher Training, Teaching Practices and Supervised internship. Minister of the disciplines: Educational Research and Supervised Internship in Early Childhood Education. Coordinates the Study Extension Project, a Healthy Action: Building a Hospital Pedagogy (UFMA) that takes place at the Maternal and Child University Hospital.


ANDRÉ, Marli Eliza Dalmazo Afonso de. Estudo de caso em pesquisa e Avaliação Educacional.3.ed. Brasília: Líber livro, 2008. 70p



How to Cite

Sousa Rabelo, F. (2019). Estudo de Caso em Pesquisa Educacional. Journal Education in Question, 57(54).