Youth LGBTQI+ and education

from children's government in Herbart to inclusive policies




Education. Government. Queer subjects. Inclusive policies.


The normative order of the school, the discipline and the control of the youth, characterize the Conservative Pedagogy of Herbart, that still remains present in the Brazilian classrooms. Thus, this study aims to address the notion of education developed by Herbart, specifically regarding the governance of children, and the understanding of the condition of LGBTQI + youth under the approach of inclusive policies. For that, a conceptual discussion is carried out, developing an explanatory study conducted in the light of the theoretical reflections that, due to the scope of origin and focus, represent a varied sample of the production related to the theme presented here. The results show that the normalization of sexuality is translated by social rules that influence society and all its members, including the school. This study points to inclusive policies as a possible way for the school to deal with differences in the field of gender and sexuality.


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Author Biographies


Holds a degree in History (1996), Masters and Doctorate in Education from the University of Vale dos Rio dos Sinos UNISINOS (1999 CAPES / Concept 6). During his doctorate he carried out studies and research with scholarship MTC / CNPq at the University of Sorbonné - Paris V, France, in the area of ??Education, anthropology of the body and Philosophy. He has a postdoctoral degree from the UCM Complutense University of Madrid, with a CNPq scholarship, in the area of ??Philosophy of Education, studying the philosopher Frances Gilles Deleuze. Coordinates the Research Group Education, Culture and Subjectivity (GPECS / UFS / CNPq). She is a researcher and professor at the Federal University of Sergipe and the Graduate Program in Education in the Research, Knowledge, Culture and Education line. CAPES Evaluator in the PAEP / DPB teaching area. Develops scientific and extension projects linked to the theme of power in contemporary times. Works mainly on the following themes: philosophy of difference, epistemology of knowledge, gender studies, power, body and culture.


Associate Professor I at the Federal University of Sergipe. Degree in History from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC (1993), Master in Education from the University of Vale dos Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS (1999) and PhD in Education from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2007). Works in the Department of Education with the subjects of Youth and Adult Education; Curriculum Theory, Didactics, History Teaching in the early years of Elementary School and TCC. She is a Master Advisor and PhD advisor at the Graduate Center for Education at the Federal University of Sergipe and a Master Advisor at the Professional Master's Program in History Teaching UFRJ / UFS. In the scope of the research works mainly in the following subjects: history teaching; rural education, pedagogy of the Landless Movement, Youth and Adult Education, Identity, Memory, Interculturality. He is a leader of the Education History and Interculturality Research Group and participates in the Education, Culture and Subjectivities Research Group at UFS.


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How to Cite

Melo Cardoso, M. H., Garcia Feldens , D. ., & Lucini, M. . (2020). Youth LGBTQI+ and education: from children’s government in Herbart to inclusive policies. Journal Education in Question, 58(55).