The purposes of the Brazilian education systems




Purposes of education. Development of the person. Citizenship. Work.


This paper analyses the aims of school education. The electoral debates exposed, in the tensions of rhetoric, a discrepant set of opinions about the purposes and responsibilities of school education. The speeches of candidates, educators and researchers and the participation of different social groups in discussions about education brought to the public space the importance of school education for the building of the political project of the Brazilian State. This research synthetizes these manifestations and makes a bibliographical analysis of the purposes of education to explain what are in-depth the fundamental aims of Basic Education of the national education systems. The article analyzes the three prospective goals of education defined in the Brazilian Constitution: the full development of the person, the preparation for the exercise of citizenship and the qualification for work. These are permanent and always current issues in national education systems, historically essential to be persecuted to build a democratic State and society that guarantees universal Basic Education for all Brazilians.


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Author Biography

Antonio Chizzotti, PUC-SP

Graduated in Education from the Faculty N S Medianeira (1972), graduated in philosophy from the Central Seminary of Ipiranga validated by philosophical complementation, cf Decree Law 1051 of October 21, 1969; Bachelor of Law and Social Sciences from the Federal University and Uberlândia; Master's degree in Philosophy of Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1975) and PhD in Education: from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1980). Postdoctoral fellow at the Institut National de Recherche Pédagogigue de Paris. Professor of the Graduate Program in Education at PUCSP; Retired Full Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia. He is currently an associate professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Has experience in Education, focusing on Philosophy of Education, acting on the following subjects: epistemology of education, public policies of education and curriculum, and research in the humanities.


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How to Cite

Chizzotti, A. (2020). The purposes of the Brazilian education systems. Journal Education in Question, 58(55).