Telling stories of those who fell asleep forever:
children's narratives motivated by literary reading
Children's Literature. Death. Reading. Narrative.Abstract
Death is not currently considered a topic for talking to children. A taboo theme in our society in general is commonly dealt with in children's narratives from analogies that try to soften emotions and feelings such as pain, suffering and loss. In this paper, we articulate the field of children's literature - specifically the studies of the presence of death in children's works - the studies of death and children's narratives. We analyzed the narratives produced by children of a 4th grade public school class after a shared reading session of Ziraldo's “Menina Nina” whose central theme is death. The reading of such a work aroused in the children the motivation to tell their own stories with the theme, with elements of their daily life, such as violence and religiosity. We understand that reading and talking about the topic are important tools for the expression of children's emotions about death, loss and grief.
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