The researchers' formation in group work
Analysis Group Discursive Narrative. Researchers’ formation. Group Discursive Narrative Analysis. Group constitution.Abstract
In this article, we main to share the results of a research in which we sought to identify, interpret and understand the constitutive dynamics of the Discursive Narrative Analysis Group (GAND), for the elaboration of a Group Discursive Narrative Analysis (ANDG). It is a qualitative research, with support from the Theory of Communicative Action by Habermas (2012), which used, as an interpretation procedure, the hermeneutic-reconstructive approach. The research corpus includes a transcript of the fifteen GAND meetings, semi-structured interviews with members and the researcher's field diary. As a result, the constitutive dynamics of the GAND stemmed from the effort to build an ANDG, in order to generate researchers' formation, crossed by intersubjective interactions among the members. Thus, the expectation is that this work will serve as an incentive for other experiences of this nature and to contribute to the education of a multiplying and independent researcher, who knows how to dialogue with the world of life.
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