The Boy and the World
losses and confrontations of children in Brazilian cinema
Cinema. Childhood. Migration. Globalization.Abstract
In this article, we will look at the narratives of uprooting and confrontation covered in the animation feature movie "O menino e o Mundo" (The Boy and the World, Brazil, 2013), by Alê Abreu. Our objective will be to analyze, in the power of this work, the traces of a Brazilian childhood present in forced migratory movements in the constitution of cities and their human consequences. The theoretical contribution will be based on Milton Santos with his view of the motivations and consequences of the internal mobility of populations in Brazil and Latin America; in Bauman's analyses of the social causes and human consequences of the individuals’ wandering in the globalized space; and also in the contributions of Cecconi and Polenghi who point to cinema as a source for historical studies of childhood. As a result, we hope to expand the understanding of the presence and role of childhood in the dynamics of migration and the city, also highlighting the place of “The Boy and the World” in the history of Brazilian cinema.
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