At break
ethnographic notes on body training and gender constructs
School. Body. Gender. Class break.Abstract
This article proposes a reflection on one of the school rites in which the (in) docile bodies of girls and boys, presumably, can express themselves with more freedom: break time. What is the break, that magical, noisy and bustling interval that for a moment breaks a continuum of prescriptions and proscriptions? From an ethnographic perspective, we realize that the break time is also made up of rules, not always explicit. Rules that separate, classify and rank, and contribute to the incessant work of training of bodies at school. The games and plays that take place during it are generified, as are the spaces in which they take place. From the court to the courtyard, the normalizing sanction falls in different ways on the bodies of girls and boys, according to the gender of the transgression and the transgressions of gender. However, despite constant vigilance, girls and boys resist, deviate, and create: they tension and displace gender boundaries in their games and plays, testing, in a playful way, other ways of being and staying in the world.
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