The use of digital technologies in the 21st century classes




Pedagogical Practices, Teachers, Digital Technologies, Classrooms, Schools


This article aims to characterize elementary school teachers’ pedagogical conceptions and practices, and also understand the school position regarding the use of digital technologies in classrooms, at a time that “the movement towards personalization is already advanced in medicine and we need to move quickly towards this, also in the world of education” (ROBINSON, 2019). The empirical study fits into a qualitative approach, through the case study modality, assuming an interpretive paradigm. Data were collected through document analysis, observation and interview, then we’ve proceeded to content analysis, using triangulation. Participants are 6 elementary school teachers form a private school in Lisbon, Portugal. The results point out the existence of teachers’ willingness, confidence and skills, although the use of technologies by students, during classes, is not significant.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Semião, UIDEF, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa

Daniela Semião, Master in Teacher Education and Supervision, by the Education Institute of the University of Lisbon. PhD student in Teacher Training and Supervision, at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon. Scholarship from FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P.- Portugal (ref. Nº UI / BD / 150761/2020), at the Research and Development Unit in Education and Training (UIDEF), Institute of Education, University of Lisbon.

Luís Tinoca, UIDEF, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa

Luís Tinoca, PhD in Science Education, University of Texas at Austin, United States. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon. Researcher in the Education Research and Development Unit, University of Lisbon. Collaborator researcher at the Distance Education Laboratory, Universidade Aberta, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Semião, D. ., & Tinoca, L. (2021). The use of digital technologies in the 21st century classes. Journal Education in Question, 59(61).