Research in initial teacher education:

a dynamic balance between the desirable and the possible




Education Policies. Teacher Education. Teacher Professional Knowledge. Action- Research.


The article questions the role of research in the initial training of educators and teachers in Portugal, analyzing its main perspectives and trends. Reflecting on the nature of professional teaching knowledge, we highlight some of the dimensions that should integrate a desirable profile, defending the (re) valuation of research in initial training. The empirical work focuses on the analysis and critical assessment of a research device developed within the scope of a Portuguese public higher education, which defends action research as a privileged research and training strategy for future education professionals. We identified the potential of this approach, as well as the institutional, pedagogical and epistemological tensions that ensued. In conclusion, we reinforce the need to give space and voice to research in teacher training, which requires the search for a balance, always dynamic and unstable, between the desirable and the possible.


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Author Biography

Ana Luisa Oliveira Pires, Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Prof.ª Dr.ª da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Portugal) e Coordenadora da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. É investigadora no CIES-IPS e no CICS. NOVA (Portugal).


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How to Cite

Oliveira Pires, A. L. (2021). Research in initial teacher education: : a dynamic balance between the desirable and the possible. Journal Education in Question, 59(62).