Curiosity and imagination in childhood
about the animated film "Scooby doo and the witch's ghost"
Curiosity, Animated movie, Scooby-Doo, School EducationAbstract
Curiosity is a faculty we experience during our childhood and young adult Years. It drives us to look for clues and to ask questions in order to figure out new phenomena. In this article, we discuss curiosity as a human faculty which surfaces energetically during childhood and, based on the analysis of the movie Scooby Doo! And the Witch’s Ghost, we present the definition of curiosity as a “mystery machine” which leads us to ask questions in search of solutions for things which represent the unknown. We understand that curiosity is constituted as a powerful learning tool, given that it is something that walks alongside scientific practice. We approach the theoretical guidance of Edgar Morin and Paulo Freire as we analyze, in the aforementioned movie, how curiosity structures itself between relations of action, astonishment, questioning and answering, based on the dialogues between the characters. The exercise of this faculty, in the context of the movie we chose, may provide a glimpse of learning possibilities which are necessary for na education focused on scientific curiosity in the early school years.
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