Ethnography, less-adult and triangulation in child research
Research with children, Ethnography, Less-adult, TriangulationAbstract
The text brings reflections on ethnography, the less-adult posture and triangulation, as a methodological support for research with children. It was considered a research with children that aimed to understand the children's point of view about how the experience of going from Kindergarten to the Early Years of Elementary School is like. Anchored in the studies of the Sociology of Childhood and the perspective that children are capable subjects and producers of knowledge, social, creative actors, participants in the shared process of information construction, was admitted. It is understood that the less-adult posture is the most appropriate for this research context, as it respects the children's own logic and adapts the scientific elements so that they can be accessed by children. It is understood that ethnography, the less-adult posture and triangulation meet the specificities of research with children, making it a useful and efficient contribution.
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