Inquiry about the meanings of the educational phenomenon
Hermeneutics, Education, Culture of boredom, Culture of meaningAbstract
Different perspectives approach education beyond the dominant instrumental rationality. One of them is dialogue between hermeneutics and education that produces alternative terms to think about the educational phenomenon. What meanings do we want for the educational phenomenon of our time? The objective is to reflect on the contributions of hermeneutics to education. We start from the understanding that hermeneutics allows to unveil the many veiled/crowded meanings present in education. That which is established in the field of school education and educational work requires being taken as a phenomenon to be repeatedly questioned and reflected upon. If today we live immersed in a culture of boredom, then hermeneutics can help us to think a culture of meaning for the educational phenomenon, a context in which the definition of minimum guidelines for the formation of cognitive and moral autonomy seems quite reasonable. This text is an essay that understands that this matrix of rationality has much to contribute to the understanding of the educational phenomenon of our time.
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