Contributions of post-qualitative research to the field of environmental education study


  • Valéria Ghisloti Iared Universidade Federal do Paraná



Post-critical. New materialism. Post-human. Ecological epistemologies.


The manuscript presents a theoretical essay that aims to investigate theoretical-methodological approaches between post-qualitative and environmental education research. Eightenn articles based on the post-qualitative research were analyzed, which were selected from three sources: 1) ERIC database - Education Resources Information Center, 2) special edition of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education and 3-) references of texts found in these articles. Based on the analysis of these studies, eight aspects, considered parallel to the reflections and concerns in the environmental education research field, were identified: the materialization of the discourse, the ontological turn, the overcoming of the subject-object dichotomy, the ideological posture in the research, flat ontology, representation of collected and analyzed data, and theoretical-methodological reflections and innovations. The manuscript concludes that, depending on the research question, there are possibilities of appropriation of post-qualitative research in the field of environmental education.


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How to Cite

Iared, V. G. (2019). Contributions of post-qualitative research to the field of environmental education study. Journal Education in Question, 57(54).