
  • Rodrigo Viana Sales
  • Ana Laudelina Ferreira Gomes



This text deals with the notion formulated by Gaston Bachelard of oneiric childhood, which refers to a permanent childhood that is renewed through active imagination and poetic reverie, promoting an articulation between memory and imagination in our awaken dreams. Aiming to give visibility and more reflection on the bachelardian oneiric childhood, we have investigated the approaches of this phenomenon within works of post-graduate students supervised by Ana Laudelina F. Gomes in the Research Group in which we participate - Mythos-Logos:religion, myth and spirituality. After doing a bibliographical research on thesis, dissertations and papers written by some of the members that are part of the group which works with such a notion, like Badiali (2016), Batista (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Eustáquio (2015, 2016), Melo (2012) and Gomes (2013b), it was noticed how this theme was recurring in a lot of different works. I perceived that reading these studies has triggered my own oneiric childhood, as it is in a ritual of anthropophagic readings. My infant being was fed by the narratives and images of those childhoods, which further expanded my poetic reveries, experience and reflection on the theme. Therefore, I have decided to present within this article some of the repercussions these readings provoked in me, stems from the collective orientation given by the supervisor Professor and sometimes by an invited person, when all the postgraduate students involved in the research read and make comments on the studies of one another.


Keywords: Childhood; Gaston Bachelard; Oneiric Poetry;  Anthropophagic Readings;






Como Citar

SALES, R. V.; GOMES, A. L. F. THE BACHELARDIAN ONEIRIC CHILDHOOD. Revista Inter-Legere, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 22, p. 154–179, 2018. DOI: 10.21680/1982-1662.2018v1n22ID15299. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 fev. 2025.

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