Study and Learning Strategies and Problem Solving:

comparative study of the basic education’s profiles (regular vs vocational education)


  • Ana Paula Couceiro Figueira
  • Ruben Costa



Vocational guidance, Study strategies, Cognitive skills


It intends to examine some possible differences in terms of study strategies and problem solving skills among elementary school students (classes in 9th grade), in Portugal, attending different ways of education: regular education and vocational education. The vocational courses in basic education has the goal of welcoming students who manifest constraints to the studies of general education, focusing on the acquisition of knowledge in structural disciplines, as well as the first contact with different vocational activities. However, we question whether these students present different levels of problem solving skills and study strategies in comparison with students in regular education. We tried, therefore, to perceive and analyze common denominators and distinctive aspects. The instruments that have been chosen were the IA Test – a reduced version of Raven's Progressive Matrices (AMARAL, 1966) and LASSI, Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI, by FIGUEIRA, 1994), as well as a participant observation in the classroom context.


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How to Cite

Figueira, A. P. C., & Costa, R. (2017). Study and Learning Strategies and Problem Solving:: comparative study of the basic education’s profiles (regular vs vocational education). Journal Education in Question, 55(43), 41–61.