Art, Education and Society in György Lukács and Historical-Critical Pedagogy


  • Mariana de Cássia Assumpção Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Newton Duarte Universidade Estadual Paulista



Art, School education, Society


The aim of this paper is to show that art and school education have an indirect and mediated relation with the society while affect directly on the development of the individuals. György Lukács shows in his aesthetics studies that art works on the subjectivity of individuals, promoting the development of their sensibility and their forms of perception of reality. Dermeval Saviani shows in his pedagogical studies that the mediating role of school education, inside the totality of social practice, promotes the humanization of the individuals. It is presented a brief analyses of the play Antigone of Sophocles with the aim to exemplifying the mediated nature of relations between the cultural productions and the social practice.  


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How to Cite

Assumpção, M. de C., & Duarte, N. (2017). Art, Education and Society in György Lukács and Historical-Critical Pedagogy. Journal Education in Question, 55(44), 169–190.