Émile Durkheim, John Dewey and Antônio Gramsci:
in debate the theory of the transformative education
Theory of social transformation, Education, SchoolAbstract
The article addresses the socio-educational conceptions of three classic theorists of education: Durkheim, Dewey and Gramsci. In this sense, placing each theoretical in its historical context, we seek to understand its educational perspectives in relation to the transformations in and / or of the society. In common, the authors presented the school as socially active, but distinguish themselves in the understanding of the historical process. For Durkheim, the school must provide the necessary moral harmony to solve the serious crisis of capitalist society in the late nineteenth century. Dewey advocates a broad pedagogical reform, in order to interweave knowledge with individual experiences, allowing greater participation of all in society, renewing and expanding industry, science and capitalist democracy. Gramsci, assuming that the capitalist structure is exclusive, emphasizes that school, through the educational principle of work, can form reflexive, critical individuals capable of social action to break with the capitalist system.
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