From grammar to textual genres in spanish as a foreign language teaching manuals:
teaching methods
Teachability, Text genres, Language conceptions, Textbook, Teaching SpanishAbstract
Our work investigates the fact that the linguistic and pedagogical relevance of textual studies in teaching materials does not guarantee the effectiveness of language teaching. The insertion of textual genres is quite strong in foreign language books. Following the theoretical principles of cognitive theories, namely the meaningful learning of David Ausubel (1968), this study goes from grammar as a symbol of a teaching conception that had the formal language, as defined by classical literature, as a goal to be achieved, up to the use of textual genres in Spanish textbooks, which mark the interactive conception of language. For this research we analyze five books. Two in great demand over the years, which were considered models in their time, and the three selected in the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio – 2018 (National Program of the Didactic Book for High School – 2018). We conclude that the teacher, in addition to following a solid teaching plan, must add and discard elements in all types of learning materials in order to achieve learning.
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