The production of explanatory scientific texts in Chemistry pre-service teaching education


  • Isauro Beltrán Núñez UFRN
  • Sandra Cristina Bezerra de Barros



Writing. Scientific explanation. Professional knowledge. Chemistry education.


Scientific explanation is essential for the production of scientific knowledge and for understanding scientific phenomena and processes. Consequently, it is necessary professional knowledge for the teaching activity, and the chemistry teacher must master it to succeed in his/her pedagogical practice in basic education. This article aims to identify and characterize the knowledge of undergraduate students in chemistry on the scientific explanation and the writing of explanatory texts. The study was carried out with 24 students enrolled in the Chemistry Practicum II course. A pedagogical test was applied with content questions related to the study questions. The results show a low domain of this teaching knowledge as well as point out the importance of the initial formation of undergraduates in the communication processes of science, so that they can think about these processes and learn to teach them in the context of scientific education.


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Author Biography

Isauro Beltrán Núñez, UFRN

Licenciado em Química. Mestre em Química inorgánica.  Doutor em educação. Professor titular Centro de Educação da UFRN.  Pesquisa sobre ensino, aprendizagem desenvolvimentista, formação de conceitos e habilidades nas ciencias com base à escola Histórico Cultural de L. S. Vigotsky, A. N. leontiev, P. Ya. galperin.


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How to Cite

Núñez, I. B., & Bezerra de Barros, S. C. (2018). The production of explanatory scientific texts in Chemistry pre-service teaching education. Journal Education in Question, 57(51).