What the Tembé indigenous teachers say about school education and the future of the village:

a study of their representations





Indigenous school education. Identity. Social representations. Future.


The present study is part of the research carried out with Tembé indigenous teachers in the upper Rio Guamá indigenous land. In this article we analyze what the Tembé professors say about the school education of their people and the implications in the future of the village. To do so, we applied the social representations theory (SRT) from Moscovici. The data collection instrument was the narrative interview and the selection of the subjects followed the previously defined criteria. The treatment and analysis of the data followed the references of the TRS, thus, we seek to the grouping of the data by the units of senses and the elaboration of corresponding themes. Among the results we highlight that the social representations of Tembé teachers about the school education of their people are objected and anchored to a large extent in a in a non-indigenous school curriculum. In this way, the future is threatened, mainly, by the mother tongue and traditional indigenous rites.


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Author Biographies

Glauber Ranieri Martins da Silva, Federal University of Pará

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Pará, UFPA; Master in Geography, Federal University of Pará, UFPA (2010); Specialist in School Management from the University of Amazonia, UNAMA / EGPA (2008); Graduation in Geography, UFPA (2006); Graduation in Pedagogy, UFPA (2002). Served as Collaborating Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA); and is currently Professor Class III of the State Secretariat of Education of Pará (SEDUC / PA); Pedagogical Coordinator of the Municipal Secretariat of Education of Santa Maria do Pará (SEMED / PMSMPA); Professor of the Indigenous Intercultural Training Center of the State University of Pará (UEPA). Researcher of the Group of Study and Research in Field Education in the Amazon - GEPERUAZ, and the Group of Studies and Research on Youth, Social Representations and Education - GEPJURSE.

Ivany Pinto Nascimento, Federal University of Pará

Graduated in Psychology from the University of the Amazon (1984-1985), licentiate in Letters by the Federal University of Pará (1978), a master's degree (1998) and a doctorate (2002) in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Post-Doctorate (2011) by the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He is currently an ad hoc advisor to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES and INEP. Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará. Associate Researcher at the Carlos Chagas Foundation. Member of the UNESCO Chair on Teaching Professionalization. Leader of the Group of Studies and Research on Youth, Social Representations and Education - GEPJURSE.


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How to Cite

Martins da Silva, G. R. ., & Nascimento, I. P. (2019). What the Tembé indigenous teachers say about school education and the future of the village:: a study of their representations. Journal Education in Question, 57(54). https://doi.org/10.21680/1981-1802.2019v57n54ID17728