Rural education conceived by Renato Sêneca Fleury in the middle of the 1930’s




Rural education. History of education. Spelling book. Progressive education in countryside.


The article studies the conception of rural education formulated by Renato Sêneca Fleury in the mid-1930s. This author of vast didactic work did not see contradictions between school-based education in the countryside and the principles of active education of the Progressive School. Thus, their approach constitutes the interpretative possibility of a rural Progressive Education. The objective of the present study is to understand how educational formulations involving rural man had, in Renato Fleury, an alternative conception for Brazilian rural education. The methodological procedures used here privileged the analysis of his main theoretical work on the subject, the book Rural education, of 1936. For illustrative purposes, the article exemplifies how this occurred in parts of the literary instrument published by Renato Fleury in 1935, the spelling book In the countryside: rural primer for rapid alphabetization. Texts of other authors who studied the production of Renato Fleury helped the analysis performed here.


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AGUAYO, Alfredo Miguel. Didática da Escola Nova. São Paulo: Cia. Editora Nacional, 1935.

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How to Cite

Celeste Filho, M. (2019). Rural education conceived by Renato Sêneca Fleury in the middle of the 1930’s. Journal Education in Question, 57(54).