Memes in English classes

exploring multiliteracy practices




English Language Classes. Memes. Multiliteracies. Digital Technologies.


Memes have been constantly created and shared online, as they appear to be potential sources for portraying different realities. This paper aims at analyzing the use of memes in English classes through the Theory of Multiliteracies (LUKE, 2000; COPE & KALANTZIS, 2000, 2008; ROJO, 2012). Possibilities of working with this digital text, which go beyond the simple linguistic decoding, are pointed out throughout this paper. The research methodology is based on documentary research (LAVILLE & DIONE, 1999) as an extension of literature review (MACHI & McEVOY, 2009). A theoretical overview is presented on the initial conceptions of memes according to the writings of Dawkins (1976) and new readings on this kind of text (LUKE, 2000; COPE & KALANTZIS, 2008; ROJO, 2012; CALIXTO, 2018; AUTHOR, in press). As a result, we have pointed out memes as tools that are geared towards developing critical and reflective English classes.


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Author Biography

Paulo Boa Sorte, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from PUC-SP. Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Graduate School of Education at the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. He is currently working as a Research Scholar at the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Miami, USA.


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How to Cite

Boa Sorte, P., & Carmo Andrade Santos, J. do. (2020). Memes in English classes: exploring multiliteracy practices. Journal Education in Question, 58(55).