Initial reflections about the origin of the collaborative practice and special education




Collaboration. Special education. Collaborative practice. Educational inclusion.


The collaboration between the regular classroom teacher and the special education teacher is revealed as one of the essential practices to guarantee the right to education for the group of special students in the school inclusion movement. In this sense, this work aims to strengthen the discussion in Brazil regarding teaching collaboration through its problematization. It conducts a crtical essay in onder to highlight the term in international studies that indicate their origin and its epistemological link. Thus, the text addresses the follwing topics: terminology and consultation; team teaching; collaboration in special education; collaborative school consultation; and co-teaching and collaboration teaching. At the end, it observes the various models of collaboration seen to align with the concept used by organizations/companies, in order to solve problems cooresponding to the capitalist mode of production and achieve the effectiveness of the teaching process.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Paz, A. C., & Lopes Victor, S. . (2020). Initial reflections about the origin of the collaborative practice and special education. Journal Education in Question, 58(55).