Educational research from the historical culturalist standpoint

self-organization of learning, development and lifestyle




Self-organization. Learning. Development.


In this article, we reflect on the essential criteria for designing and evaluating the research of learning and human development from a historical culturalist point of view. One of the purposes of this discussion is to highlight the contribution of researchers in this approach in bringing the results of research to the demands of current and future socio-cultural development. The historical culturalist approach allows us to pose this challenge, also from an interdisciplinary stance, as demanded by the advance of contemporary scientific thought. Specifically, requirements that need to be more recognized in research in this field of knowledge, according to the stated aspirations, are specified. The analysis will focus on categories or laws of this tradition of thought.


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How to Cite

Fariñas León, G. . (2020). Educational research from the historical culturalist standpoint: self-organization of learning, development and lifestyle. Journal Education in Question, 58(55).