Subjectivations of a teaching

Gender markings in school education (1970-1980)




Education; Genre; Women, History of the Present Time.


This text is inserted in the studies of gender and the History of the Present Time. With the theoretical methodological contributions of these fields, we seek to reflect on the subjectivities constructed through the teaching process of the 1970s and 1980s. As a case study, interviews with Liza, a student of the period, who attended the Ana Vanda Bassara School, in Guarapuava-PR, were used as a source of analysis. This investigation made it possible to understand part of the student's school life, the construction of subjectivities, and to understand how gender markings were used to reaffirm an education that idealized women to be housewives according to the characteristics of the society of the time. Through this observation it was also possible to see how the teaching proposal and the existing social gender distinctions influenced the student's personal trajectory. Thus, this study contributes to other investigations that seek to establish comparisons of school education in different historical places and contexts.


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How to Cite

Zaluski, J. L. (2020). Subjectivations of a teaching: Gender markings in school education (1970-1980). Journal Education in Question, 58(57).