Time and its essentiality in full-time education
School time. Full-time education. School organization. Civilizing process.Abstract
This study analyzes school time as a social and historical construction in the civilizing process. Therefore, time, as our object of study, is dimensioned in its procedural and symbolic perspective, established inside and outside the school, to demarcate the daily tasks of man and his organization of collective life. Regarding the theoretical-methodological procedures, in a qualitative research approach, the assumptions that support the analysis of the literature are based on the theorizations of Elias (1998) and Bauer (1997) about time in the civilizing process, related to school organization. The main results of this study come from the proposition that school time, within the perspective of social construction, is reflected in the development of school routines and, as a symbolic power, challenges us to understand it in its complex procedure in the knowledge, clustered and condensed by man, always crossed by him, to establish the temporalities, rhythms, facts and achievements of school institutions.
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