Systematic review of TPACK studies in teacher training programs in Brazil and Portugal




Teacher training, TPACK, Technologies in education, Systematic review


The discussion of the TPACK frame (MISHRA; KOEHLER, 2006), has been a focus of research, particularly among teacher trainers, who need to prepare the teachers to integrate the ICTs to the teaching and learning processes in the classroom (CHAI; KOH; TSAI, 2013). Looking to understand how the initial and continuing teacher education programs have been using the TPACK as a theoretical basis in the conception of classes and activities in many subjects, a systematic review of the literature has been made using published studies available in open data platforms about the Portuguese and Brazilian contexts. After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the corpus for analysis was formed by 28 works, published between 2013 and 2020. Among obtained results stand out: the prevalence of continuing education programs, programs in the mathematics field and programs focusing on developing the teacher’s TPK mastery.


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How to Cite

Ramos Lara Ribeiro, P., & Nunes Piedade, J. M. . (2021). Systematic review of TPACK studies in teacher training programs in Brazil and Portugal. Journal Education in Question, 59(59).