Inclusive Education and initial professor formation
knowledge construction under discussion
Inclusive Education, Initial Formation, Knowledge Construction, Teaching KnowledgeAbstract
Founded on the Systemic Thinking and of Tardif’s (2002) presumptions, this paper aims to know how knowledge about inclusive education is constructed in three undergraduate courses at UFSM. The investigation contemplated three main movements: mapping the curricular offerings linked to inclusive education and identification of courses with the higher and the lowest percentage of this offer, majors of History and Geography respectively; analysis of the syllabus of the courses offered; survey of a questionnaire with scholars from the selected courses. 35 questionnaires were applied, being 24 on History 11 on Geography, both on undergraduate students. As main results, the course “Fundaments of Special Education” and supervised practices and participation on projects stood out as sources of production of knowledge, with introductory characteristics. It is unanimous the feeling of unpreparedness with questions related to inclusive methodological and didactical issues, announcing the need for reinforcement of the initial teacher’s formation.
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