Literacy and the knowledge’s heterogeneity about writing in Brazil and France
Literacy, Heterogeneity, Teaching, LearningAbstract
This investigation analyzed the practices of first-year elementary school teachers’ in Brazil and France in meeting the knowledge’s heterogeneity on students' alphabetical writing, as well as the different levels of appropriation of the writing system of both classes at the beginning and end of the school year. The methodological procedures involved observations and interviews carried out with the teachers, diagnoses of writing words, applied to Brazilian students, and the analysis of the French students’ class notebooks. The investigation data, treated by means of thematic content analysis, showed significant differences in the learning of Brazilian and French students, related, among other things, to the way the teachers dealt with the different knowledge of the children in regards to the appropriation of alphabetic writing knowledge. The Brazilian teacher had more difficulties in evaluating the knowledge of her students and dealing with the heterogeneity of her class.
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