The Others at school and the school of the Others
contestations of the education coloniality
Anticolonial education, School decolonization, Anti-colonial theories, School educationAbstract
Based on the analysis of data from a doctoral investigation (Author, year) and in dialogue with Torto Arado, Itamar Vieira Juniors’ work (2019), in this article we intend to analyze the cracks in the coloniality of education caused by the resistants and insurgents presences of subjects made Others at school. This is reflection a sustained on anti-colonial perspectives that allow us to denounce the historical and contemporary alignment between formal education and the colonial project, while also announcing the need and feasibility of school decolonization. From this perspective, in the present text, the testimonies of the subjects of investigation that, to some extent, are convergent to the school experience of one of the protagonists of Torto Arado (Vieira-Júnior, 2019), Belonísia, lead us to conclude that, from an emancipatory perspective, it is imperative and urgent that school education be decolonized and, therefore, transformed based on the recognition of other subjects, of their knowledge and cultures.
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