Intención de abandonar el curso universitario: un estudio de predicción y mediación Resumen
intention to drop out, satisfaction with the course, burnout syndrome, university studentsAbstract
The intention to drop out of a university course can be considered a differentiated and recognizable stage that can be diagnosed before the effective decision to drop out. The study has the objectives of identifying the predictor variables for course dropout intention and to evaluate the mediating role of satisfaction with the course between Burnout Syndrome and the intention to drop. A total of 1,169 university students participated in the investigation by answering to a survey that contained items such as course satisfaction, intention to drop out, the Burnout Syndrome assessment scale, perceived stress scale, and a questionnaire about sociodemographic data, academic data and academic stressors. The predictive variables were Burnout Syndrome, lower satisfaction with the course, and the stressor too many disciplines to attend. Satisfaction with the course played a mediating role between Burnout Syndrome and the intention to course drop out.
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