Mario Alighiero Manacorda in BrazilMario Alighiero Manacorda in Brazil
Education. History of Education. Manacord. Marxism.Abstract
This article aims to analyze three contributions of Mario Alighiero Manacorda to the field of Brazilian education published in the 1980s. The author’s writtings, translated in Brazil, stregthened the discusson on the formation of the working-class and contributed to the defense of public, universal, free, and secular schools. For this purpose, we examined two interviews, one published in 1986 and the other in 1987, and a lecture given in 1987. As for the theoretical basis, the analyses are anchored in historical materialism, specifically in the writings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Antonio Gramsci. We conclude that the public school is a historical gain for the working-class, and that it should be maintained by the State, but without its interference with respect to the dissemination of ideologies. In this context, the role of education is to provide the student with the appropriation of what is most advanced and developed in science, technology, sports, and art with a view to the complete citizen formation.
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