Why did the saints of Zurbarán read?





Zurbarán, Virgin and Martyr Saints, Reading women, Portrait painting


The article analyzes the iconography related to five saints who carry books in their images, treated as “reading saints”, which are part of the collection of pictures of eight virgin martyrs existing in the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville. On a specific plane, the representation of the saints with a book in their hands is problematized, which differs from the original iconographic image, the narrative of the life and miracles of each one. The methodological procedures refer to documentary research, whose main sources are concentrated in the five canvases of the collection, elaborated in the studio of the painter Francisco de Zurbarán, and in the dialogue with authors who write on the subject. It concludes with the hypothesis that by painting the image of the virgin martyrs carrying a book, Zurbarán intended to pass on a message to the women of encouragement to a life like that of the saints, but also warning of the possibility of reading the bible, hagiology and the permitted readings, that is, above all, inciting the idea that they were readers.


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Author Biographies

Maria Celi Chaves Vasconcelos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

É prof.ª Dr.ª da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Integra o Grupo de Pesquisa “História e Memória das Políticas Educacionais no Território Fluminense”.

Pablo Álvarez Domínguez, Universidade de Sevilha

É prof. Dr. da Universidad de Sevilla e do Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y pedagogía social. Integra o Grupo de Pesquisa “Historia, Memoria y Patrimonio de la Educación”.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, M. C. C., & Álvarez Domínguez, P. (2023). Why did the saints of Zurbarán read?. Journal Education in Question, 61(67). https://doi.org/10.21680/1981-1802.2023v61n67ID31627