A poética hiper-regional do “sertão” de rosa no “chão” de Saramago


  • Peterson Martins Alves Araújo UPE




The aim of this article is to present the verification that regionalist aesthetics were not extinguished in Portuguese-language literatures, but became a new hyper-regional poetics (or hyper-regionalist aesthetics), as pointed out by Marli Fantini Scarpelli (2003). The methodology used to verify this poetics (or aesthetics) was that of Comparative Literature - taking as initial references the works The Devil to Pay in the Backlands by Guimarães Rosa and the Romance of the Stone of the Kingdom by Ariano Suassuna to verify the presence of similar characteristics in the novel Raised from the ground by José Saramago. Our paper begins with Antonio Candido's verifications in his text “Literature and underdevelopment” (CANDIDO, 1989), to be guided mainly by the theories of literary genre and chronotope of Bakhtin (1998) and the neo-baroquism of Josina Nunes Drumond (2008). We aim to contribute to the expansion of literary studies to the regional fact that acquires universal features - the major proposal of this poetic.



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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, P. M. A. A poética hiper-regional do “sertão” de rosa no “chão” de Saramago. Revista do GELNE, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 1, p. 285–295, 2018. DOI: 10.21680/1517-7874.2018v20n1ID15458. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/gelne/article/view/15458. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Dossiê: Leituras de Antonio Candido