Pai abusador: incesto e pedofilia contra meninas em Gisèle Pineau, Nicole Cage-Florentiny e Cinthia Kriemler




This paper is part of a series of academic reflections about violence inflicted on women in literary works of the contemporary french-speaking Antilles, reading for a better methodological understanding of the continuity of the reflections undertaken. The series began in 2023 with the essay XXXX, in which, in a comparative perspective Guadeloupe-Brazil, I examined novels in which domestic violence against women is spread by different generations of the family, uniting grandmothers, mothers and daughters in a spiral of physical and psychological aggressions. In 2024, in the study entitled XXXX, I turned my attention to two Guadalupe works (1972 and 2005) to observe the representations of sexual abuse committed against girls (one of them, baby) by their stepfathers. I was interested in the ways in which the theme was outlined in the time arc contemplated and how the maternal companion becomes a tormentor of the stepdaughter. In turn, in this article deepens the study on sexual abuse against girls, directing my gaze to crimes of pedophilia committed by parents against their own daughters. To this end, I welcome works from the three spaces of my academic scope, the archipelago of Guadeloupe, the island of Martinique and Brazil, respectively, L'Espérance Macadam (1995), by Gisèle Pineau, C'est vole que je vole (1998) by Nicole Cage-Florentiny and Tudo que morde pede socorro (2019) by Cinthia Kriemler. Temporarily distanced for more than two decades, the novels are at the beginning of the literary production of intellectuals, revealing the remarkable interest of the authors in scrutinizing the violence against minors inflicted within the home and silenced by the family, often with the complicity of the mother of the abused girls.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Massoni da Rocha, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professora de Literaturas francófonas na Graduação em Letras e no programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos de Literatura na Universidade Federal Fluminense. Desenvolve atualmente a pesquisa acadêmica "Literariar a alma repleta de chão: traduções e figurações das sociedades crioulas no Caribe francófono e no Brasil", centrada em obras literárias em francês da ilha da Martinica e do arquipélago de Guadalupe, bem como em suas interfaces com a literatura brasileira. Idealizadora e coorganizadora do Seminário Internacional de Literaturas Caribenhas e do Encontro Literatura, História e Pós-colonialidade. 



How to Cite

MASSONI DA ROCHA, V. Pai abusador: incesto e pedofilia contra meninas em Gisèle Pineau, Nicole Cage-Florentiny e Cinthia Kriemler. Revista do GELNE, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 1, p. e35410, 2024. DOI: 10.21680/1517-7874.2024v26n1ID35410. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Dossiê temático: Literaturas latino-americanas em língua francesa