What to do with what school does to my body? Tactics of students in the light of Michel de Certeau
Body, Adolescent students, School, TacticsAbstract
This paper aims to understand the use of bricolage (do-it-yourself) by teenage students from two public schools in the countryside of the State of Sergipe as a form of resistance on the control of their bodies, instituted by the school in their daily life. We try to discuss and analyze the data in the light of Michel de Certeau based on the concepts of tactics and strategies, highlighting the tactics that are possible practices that students adopt to deviate from the school logic that disciplines them and try to regulate their bodies. We used, as a data collection instrument of this study, the group interview with twenty one students of the eighth year of elementary school with a age range between twelve and sixteen years. We verified that the daily attitudes of the students are permeated by actions that can use bricolage as tactics of experiences inside and outside the school environment. Based on the subjective position of the students in front of the strategies of the school, the majority is subversive and bricolating.
A1. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
A2. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
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A12. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
A13. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
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A17. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
A18. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
A19. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
A20. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
A21. Entrevista gravada. Cumbe (Sergipe), 16, dez. 2016.
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