The Egyptian Material Culture of the Museu Nacional:
teaching of History through a pedagogical proposal
Heritage education, Material culture, Basic education, Ancient EgyptAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the production of scholastic historical knowledge through pedagogical actions based on the Egyptian material culture of the Museu Nacional. For this purpose, we have chosen the stele of Uerhap-Renefsonb, which belongs to the collection of the Museu Nacional, in Rio de Janeiro, using feeding as a guiding theme. This subject was privileged because alimentation is a cultural and historical act, loaded with peculiarities, symbolisms and meanings, present from its production to its consumption. Our case study was an elementary school’s 3rd grade class from a municipal school in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The theoretical framework used was based on Patrimonial Education and the applied methodological procedure was the one proposed by Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN), adapted by Maria de Lourdes Parreiras Horta. It was verified the effectiveness of the pedagogical action carried out concerning the fixation and appropriation of the knowledge about the theme worked.
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