Time and drama in the daily register and pedagogical documentation





Childhood Education, Time, Daily Register, Pedagogical Documentation


A disconcerting question, an enigmatic look, an uncomfortable silence, an unbridled mischief, an unexpected gesture, a speech that exposes the knowledge and the subject of the educational scene can become the starting point for composing a short narrative about what we do and what we suffer daily in the company of children in a preschool. From the link between the theoretical contributions from childhood pedagogies and literary and theatrical criticism, in this article, I seek to describe the three moments of the daily record and pedagogical documentation, indicating the possibility of narratively transfiguring the experience lived with children. I also argue that the transfiguration of the daily record into pedagogical documentation constitutes an ethical-political attitude, insofar as, by bringing to light the experience lived among the subjects of the educational scene, it exposes the principles of action embodied by the teacher in his/her pedagogical practice.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Pereira Batista, Rede Municipal de Educação de Vinhedo

É Prof. Dr. da Rede Municipal de Educação de Vinhedo (São Paulo). Integra o Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação e Pensamento Contemporâneo (FE-USP) e Membro da Linha Culturas Infantis (FE-Universidade Estadual de Campinas).


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How to Cite

Pereira Batista, E. (2023). Time and drama in the daily register and pedagogical documentation. Journal Education in Question, 61(68). https://doi.org/10.21680/1981-1802.2023v61n68ID32758