Intercultural dialogue from an Erasmus Plus Project
student centered-learning
Active learning, Intercultural studies, Erasmus Plus, UNESPAbstract
The article aims to discuss the possibilities of internationalization university actions with intercultural practices inferred from the implementation of an extension project at a public university in the state of São Paulo in the context of an Erasmus Plus Project. It is theoretically based on interculturality as dialogue and communication among different cultures, recognizing diversity as a value in itself, according to Dussel (2016), Quiroz (2007), Santos (2006), among others. The case study was the methodology adopted and the units of analysis are the pedagogical formation courses implemented with the theoretical-practical foundation of the Erasmus Plus Project in the extension action Cursinho Pré-Universitário Ferradura (College Prep Course Horseshoe), at São Paulo State University (UNESP). The results made it possible to systematize evidence of collaboration between different cultures. The conclusion is that projects such as Erasmus, even if proposed unilaterally, make it possible to establish internal dialogues within the university and, externally, with other university institutions, from the perspective that the “different” can promote synergies and intercultural dialogue.
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