Reading and writing manuals for elementary education

the case of Spain (1900-1905)




Formal education, Manuals, Reading and writing learning, The first decade of the 20th century


In this article, we examined two reading and writing manuals adopted in elementary schools in Spain in the years 1900 and 1905: Novísimo Tratado de Lectura (New Reading Treaty) e Rayas: novísimo método de la Lectura por la Escritura (Stripes: newest method of reading by writing). The historical-documentary research was carried out at the Archivo General de la Administación in Alcalá de Henares, which holds most of the documentation relating to the 20th century. The objective of the study is to examine how the two manuals were structured from a material and content point of view with the aim of teaching reading and writing. On the one hand, we observed notions associated with the traditional method of teaching reading and writing. On the other hand, we observed changes arising from the New School movement, particularly regarding greater autonomy and creativity on the part of children. The theoretical approach is anchored in studies in the field of Cultural History (Chartier, 1998, 2010) and History of Education (Choppin, 2002, 2004; Escolano, 2016). The results achieved indicate that the manuals are devices that point methods used in the period for learning to read and write.


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Author Biography

Márcia Cabral da Silva, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

É prof.ª Dr.ª do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. É coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Infância, Juventude, Leitura, Escrita e Educação (GRUPEEL/CNPQ).


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How to Cite

Silva, M. C. da. (2024). Reading and writing manuals for elementary education: the case of Spain (1900-1905). Journal Education in Question, 62(71).