“Por que os alunos não aprendem o que os professores ensinam?”: retomando a questão de Allwright no contexto de aprendizagem de uma linguacultura-alvo
In this article, we resume the question posed by Allwright (1984a) – “Why don’t learners learn what teachers teach?”, which highlights the disparity between what is taught by the teachers and what is learned by the students, seeking to add a new perspective and possibility of interpreting the difficulties inherent to the teaching-learning relationship. To accomplish that, we adopted a theoretical perspective based on works by Schumann and Schumann (1977); Allwright (1984a; 1984b); Ellis (1995); Larsen-Freeman (2000); Allwright and Pompeu (2003); Bell (2003); Prabhu, Castelo Branco and Claus (2003); Lightbown and Spada (2006); Krashen (2009); Franco and Almeida Filho (2015); and Almeida Filho (2018a; 2018b), among others. As a preliminary result, we anticipate that language learners do not learn what teachers teach due to difficulties in conceptualization, management, and mediation of interactional opportunities that truly promote learning.
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