The school patron and national identity

quarrels in the act of nominating the place/public school (Buenos Aires, Argentina, the mid-nineteenth and twentieth century)


  • Ana María Montenegro Docente Investigadora FCH-UNCPBA-Tandil, Buenos Aires



Place/Public school, Representation, School patron, National identity


This presentation reflects the progress of an investigation project that aims to discern the relevance that for the representation supposed and still makes the nomination of the public school with a school patron. Although it was already usual in the eighteenth century that the schools of Buenos Aires were under the protection of a "patronus/supporter" after Independence, this trend mutates, but it is between the mid-nineteenth and twentieth century, when under various state paradigms the act of nominating it is stressed. Although the national flag and coat of arms had consensus to represent the state, nominating with a patron goes to the heart of national identity and is intersected by governmental, historiographic and party doctrine tensions, which are visible from coexistence, forgetting, quarrels and silences.


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How to Cite

Montenegro, A. M. (2018). The school patron and national identity: quarrels in the act of nominating the place/public school (Buenos Aires, Argentina, the mid-nineteenth and twentieth century). History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 1, e16365.


