AS EMENDAS CONSTITUCIONAIS 95/2016, 106/2020 E 109/2021: Inter- relações com o endividamento público e as políticas sociais
This paper discuss about the approval of Constitutional Amendments 95/2016, 106/2020 and 109/2021 and their relationship with the increase in public indebtedness through the adoption of measures that benefit the financial market at the expense of meeting the needs of the population . The First Amendment instituted a new fiscal regime by freezing primary expenditures in real terms for twenty years; the last two were approved due to the state of public calamity decreed in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Using the qualitative, bibliographical and descriptive research, it appears that the measures adopted promote the increase in public indebtedness, but this does not translate into actions that benefit the poorest population, who sustains the costs of indebtedness in the present and also in the future.