Vol. 4 No. 2 (2017): Multidisciplinary Perspectives in the Field of Art | Articles
Executive Editor: Paulo Silveira (UFRGS)
Issue Editorial Board of Volume 4, Number 2: José Eduardo De Paula (UFU), Marcos Câmara de Castro (USP) e Sheila Cabo Geraldo (UERJ)
Review of English and additional translations for the Dossier: Chris McGowan
Review of Portuguese: Priscilla Morandi
Graphic design and desktop publishing: LabDesign, UDESC - Marc Bogo; Leandro Rosa da Silva; Camila A. Merizi
SEER/OJS support: UFRN, Portal de Periódicos Eletrônicos (Portal of Electronic Journals)
Secretarial support: PPGAV/UFRGS