Twenty years of dictatorship

The teaching of the last military dictatorship (1976 -1983) in secondary schools in Argentina


  • Gonzalo Amézola



Historia reciente, Formación ciudadana, Enseñanza de la historia, Ultima dictadura


Since the beginning of the educational reform in Argentina, the teaching of history in secondary school focused on the contemporary era. In this context, the objective of forming democratic citizens was concentrated in the study of the tragic experience lived with the last military dictatorship (1976 - 1983). This was how the dictatorship was firmly installed as a school subject in secondary education since 1993, which enables some questions: What are the characteristics of that teaching? What is proposed and what does the school effectively achieve with the study of dictatorship? We will look for indications for those questions in the analysis of the official regulations, in the editorial proposal and the knowledge of the students through the data collected in almost one thousand surveys.


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How to Cite

Amézola, G. (2019). Twenty years of dictatorship: The teaching of the last military dictatorship (1976 -1983) in secondary schools in Argentina. History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 2, e17201.


