The Careta Magazine and the institution of religious knowledge in the speeches for female education (1914-1918)




Female Education, Magazine Careta, Speech analysis, Religious knowledge


This work deals with the female education in the statements of the magazine Careta, with a cut to the religious knowledge perceived in the contents in circulation in the periodical. The reading of the historical source was problematized from the analysis of the discourse proposed by Michel Foucault (2010), motivated by the perception of a discursive arrangement constituted by knowledge elaborated by different institutions, but which were orchestrated in the purpose of orienting the female behavior in certain social patterns. Feminine social roles were put into circulation and are analyzed here from the perspective of elaborating on how religious knowledge contributed to the truth regime of a discourse that proposes a reach in practices


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How to Cite

Frazão, F. C. C. (2019). The Careta Magazine and the institution of religious knowledge in the speeches for female education (1914-1918). History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 2, e17295.


