Regional Normal School of Cruzeiro do Sul: the work of intellectuals of the Catholic Church in the interior of the Amazon


  • Maria Irinilda da Silva Bezerra Universidade Federal do Acre



Normal School, Intellectuals, Catholic upbringing


The study aims to reflect on the role played by the German religious who worked at the Regional Normal School of Cruzeiro do Sul/Acre, understanding them as a Catholic intellectuality forged on the school floor. It adopted a qualitative approach, developed from the documentary analysis of sources such as: letters and school correspondence. It used as theoretical support authors who work with the intellectual category, such as: Sirinelli (2003), Vieira (2008) and Warde (2003). The results show that the religious of the Catholic Church who thought and implemented the Santa Teresinha Institute and the Normal School, acted as the main intellectuals in the educational field in the region. It is concluded that these religious stood out as mentors and executors of a model of teacher training of a religious-Catholic nature.


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Author Biography

Maria Irinilda da Silva Bezerra, Universidade Federal do Acre

Centro de Educação e Letras (CEL), Universidade Federal do Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brasil.


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Primeiro Prédio do Instituto Santa Teresinha e do Convento em Cruzeiro do Sul. 1938



How to Cite

Bezerra, M. I. da S. (2024). Regional Normal School of Cruzeiro do Sul: the work of intellectuals of the Catholic Church in the interior of the Amazon. History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 7(1), e35621.


