Presence of Comenius in Ibero-America


  • Wojciech Andrzej Kulesza Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Comenius, History of Pedagogy, Historiography of Iberoamerican Education


Since colonial times, when his didactic works for teaching Latin were widely used in Catholic seminaries, the presence of João Amos Comenius (1592-1670) has been recorded in Latin American education. Initially through the circulation of his language teaching manuals, among which Orbis Pictus played a prominent role, then through his association with the intuitive method in the 19th century and with the Escola Nova in the 20th century, the name of Comenius appears frequently in the history of our education. Schools and colleges in the region bear his name, his works are translated into Spanish and Portuguese, seminars about his life and work are held, thus incorporating his name into our educational culture. Advances in studies on his work, such as the discovery of the manuscripts of the monumental De Rerum Humanarum Consultatio Catholica in 1935 in Germany, have revealed new facets of his thought to support our reflections on education. In this work, we seek to highlight the Ibero-American presence of Comenius through consultation of his books published here and the production of works and articles about his life and work carried out in the region.


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Medalha Comenius - UNESCO



How to Cite

Kulesza, W. A. (2024). Presence of Comenius in Ibero-America. History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 7(1), e35628.


